This Week In Photography Books: Ashly Stohl

by Jonathan Blaustein I haven’t seen “Rogue One” yet. Have you? It’s the newest installment in the Disney-Marvel-Lucasfilm-entertainment-constortium of evil. Well, that last part might not be true. We won’t hate them just because their products are so darn tasty. (Mmm, meatballs.) Elsa, Olaf, the Avengers, and Luke Skywalker all rolled out like so many […]

The best work I saw this year that I haven’t already written about yet

by Jonathan Blaustein Oh yes. It’s back. My annual, final column that never really caught on. That most rebellious of ironic year end lists. (It’s not even a list, per se, because it only mentions one thing.) Like an ironic mustache, I get to have it both ways. I nod to the end-of-the-year thing, while […]

This Week In Photography Books: Christian Nilson

by Jonathan Blaustein I spent a day in Switzerland many years ago. (1997, to be exact.) When I say a day, I mean just that. A day. My brother and I were on a backpacking trip around Europe, back when that was still a thing. We didn’t get along very well, truth be told, but […]

This Week In Photography Books: Michael Lundgren

by Jonathan Blaustein Imagine if atoms had consciousness. Electrons and protons would surely be enemies, like the Flash vs the Reverse Flash, or Tomi Lahren vs Trevor Noah. The Sharks vs the Jets would have nothing on the rivalries happening on the atomic level. The Electron King, Negator, would likely try to take over all […]

This Week In Photography Books: James Welling

by Jonathan Blaustein The sun is out again today. Thank god. After an unseasonably warm November, winter came in earnest last week. Below zero wind chill. Industrial-grey skies. High clouds looming above, like hall monitors, ensuring nobody has any fun. This time of year always makes me sad. It gets dark so early, and here […]