Here’s my stock photography list. If I’m missing anything good let me know.

Jupiter Images
Aurora Photos

Art and Commerce
Lens Modern
Gallery Stock
Panos Pictures
Glass House Images
F-Stop Images
Redux Pictures
Stock That Doesn’t Suck
Independent Photography Network
Monsoon Images
Arcangel Images
Trunk Images
IC Worldwide

Syndicated Celebrity Images
Corbis Portraiture
Trunk Images
CPi Syndication
Contour Photos
Icon International
Exclusive by Getty Images
Art and Commerce
Lime Foto
Celebrity Pictures
August Image
JBG Photo
Management + Artists Syndication

AP Images
The New York Times Photos
The Canadian Press
The New York Times Agency
Redux Pictures
Gamma Presse
Black Star
KRT Direct
UK News Photos
Polaris Images
World Picture News
Kyodo News
Tass Photo (russia/eastern europe)
Zuma Press
Atlas Press Photo

News- Features
Magnum Photos
VII Agency
Agence VU
Oeil Public
Contact Press
Noor Images
Grazia Neri

Sports Illustrated
Sports Chrome
Icon Sports Media
ESPN Event Media
Red Bull Photofiles
Gilles Martin-Raget
Extreme Sports Photo
Cal Sports Media
International Sports

Aurora Outdoor Collection
Surfing Stock
A-Frame Photo

PPL Photo Agency
Blue Green Pictures
Kos Sailing pictures
Yacht Photo

Movie Archive
Everett Collection, Inc.
Neal Peters Collection
Photofest NYC
BFI Stills
Picture Desk
Album Online
Movie Store
All Star

Robert Harding
Lonely Planet
Hedgehog House
UK Travel Library
Africa Imagery
Macduff Everton Stock
Tropical Pix
South Africa Images
Odyssey Productions
UK Beach

Region Specific- US
Photo Resource Hawaii
Alaska Stock
Accent Alaska
Yankee Image
Idaho Stock Images
National Park Photographs
Pacific Northwest
Salmon River
Pacific Stock Photography
ViewFinders Northwest
Yellowstone Digital Slide File
Picturesque Stock Photo

Other Countries
Euro Stock
4 Corners (Italy)
Axiom Photo
Europe Stock Images
Anzenberger Webgate
Italy Images
Switzerland Photos
China Stock
Arcapress Photo Agency
Maritius Images
Swedish Stock
All Canada Photos
New Zealand
Foto Libra
Imagine China

Peter Arnold
Minden Pictures
Animals Animals
Images of Nature
National Geographic Images
Terra Brasil Imagens
Nature Picture Library
Joel Sartore Stock
Norbert Wu
Steve Bloom
Art Wolfe
Muench Photography
Terra Galleria
DRK Photo
Oxford Scientific
World Foto

Photographer Specific Archives
Erickson Productions
Strobo Photo
Jef Maion

Music Pictures

Art Resource

Museums and Collections
Smithsonian Photos
National Archives
Library of Congress Prints
UCR California Museum of Photography
George Eastman House
Charles W. Cushman Photograph Collection
National Archives
National Museum of Photography
Art Museum Image Consortium
Whitney Museum of American Art
Woodfin Camp
The Granger Collection
Royal Geographical Society
NASA Photos
Culver Pictures
Photos Grannis

Orb Image
Aerial Photography
Aerial Stock
Land Slides

More General
AGE Foto Stock
Acclaim Images
The Image Works
Photo Researchers (science)
Millennium (London)
FotoTeca (travel)
Plain Picture
Tidal Stock
First Light
Big Shot Stock

Folio ID

Photographers Groups
Nature Photographers
Sports Shooter

Citizen Image

Recommended Posts


  1. Gallery Stock is really good. Also Magnum.

    • @Jackie Alpers, isnt Magnum a gun? :-)
      I love pictures of surfers, but do not much like being edited them .. Takes away the fun

  2. news/features (sport) (russia/eastern europe)

  3. Photographers Group

  4. – some very nice imagery I’ve always looked to when I get “photogs block”.

  5. Yes, I am biased, but we have some good stuff at



    My aerial portal with some images pushed to PhotoShelter.

    PhotoShelter has a widget that allows you to show your images via the widget on a blog or site.

    Don’t know if this will work. Here is the code.

  7. appropriately titled, especially the last one ;-) maybe you needed a group that is title “agencies with more than 11.15 million images, and counting”

    thanks for compiling these list, always nice to see what is out there and I always seem to learn of a new one…

  8. Toronto based Love the name.

  9. what, all “microstock” is crap?

  10. when i first read this list, i thought the comment section would be going crazy. but it’s quite tame. and helpful. nice.

    thanks for the good resource.

  11. In my opinion, the “crap” file should be much more inclusive.

    The more boutique-y agencies tend to have beautiful images but their usage tends to be limited (A&C Archive’s Vogue Italia shoots don’t exactly have full model releases, not that they’d license them to you anyway unless it’s for a Vogue).

    For some reason, there’s an assumption with the other agencies that image buyers WANT a picture of guy wearing an elephant head with a little girl under his arm or a deer in a parking garage (WTF???).

    If I see another image of businessmen shaking hands or a globe or badly retouched money flying out of the tailpipe of a car I’ll puke.

    The funny thing about stock is that based on the new offerings every season, all of the agencies seem to have the same creative brief.


  12. Yeah – another vote for Masterfile… Its actually well known agency – small and private….


  13. From my photo editing days:
    Great beauty and fitness. Also,

  14. Ibid used to be solely black and white; a couple of years ago they started adding color. It’s a boutique house for sure–mostly portrait based.


  15. Well scratch that. They apparently closed up shop at the beginning of this year.

  16. Dude wrote:
    For some reason, there’s an assumption with the other agencies that image buyers WANT a picture of guy wearing an elephant head with a little girl under his arm or a deer in a parking garage (WTF???).

    If you can do this stuff very well, I think there has been pressure to produce it to make the agency look hip and maybe win some awards (APA etc., etc.). Truth is of course most of this stuff hardly ever sells (there are rare exceptions). Best you can hope for is to produce something nice for your book and maybe make a few hundred $ for the trouble. That’s my experience anyway, if someone else out there has spent serious money producing this kind of work for stock and has done very well from sales please speak up.

  17. Thank you for having Digital Railroad in your list. I have to point out that we are much more then just a photographer’s group (I was glad to see some of our members called out as needing to be added to your list). Our Marketplace ( is a great destination for buyers looking for high quality, diverse content that they can’t find anywhere else. I’d argue we could be both in the General and in the Photographers Groups sections. ;-) See our Marketplace blog for some of the places the great work of our photographers is being used ( Thanks.

  18. How come F-Stop is listed in both Crap and Boutique?

    And yes, Retna.

  19. Keep them coming. I’ll make changes to the list in a little bit. Should be a good resource for everyone.

  20. Yeah, Retna is a big oversight.

    I like the comments on the absurdly hip images promoted by the likes of Getty etc. I always wondered how that work sold. The more subtle ambiguous fine art stuff (though none of it “produced”) I have with them has never done that well. Of course it’s the work I like to make so go figure.

  21. I was wondering what any buyers or photographers think of Photo Shelter, as well as it’s collection section. I’m not to familiar with the stock market. I was kind of surprised were APE placed it until I compared it to others.

  22. Love this.

    But let’s not forget the amazing Photofest (!!! For anything vintage, movies, pop culture.

    There is also, for architecture: Esto, Arcaid, the Interior Archive…

  23. a great one for photographer’s groups:

  24. I can’t believe nobody has mentioned the craptastic!!!

    The guy is a legend in fantastically bland lifestyle imagery (in my humble opinion) and deserves a mention in the annals of stock.

    I heard a story that he fired Getty because he makes more money on his own and has an entire legal team working in-house to pursue copyright violations. May not be true, but makes a fun story.

    Speaking of firing Getty, there’s also – Penny lost a lawsuit against Getty where she claimed their art directors were having other photographers shoot commissioned stock copies of her work (so Getty can take a larger 90-96% commission instead of the measly 60-70% they take on non-commissioned work). The judge found in favor of Getty but I guess that’s what happens when you’re up against a company that has a gazillion dollars in legal services at your disposal. Personally, I know enough people who know people who claim they’ve been directed to do similar things by Getty art directors so I believe Penny, but that’s just me.

  25. has a nice variety of entertainment based out of Chicago.
    I use to be a photo researcher(1982-90 and then again in 2006) and bought alot of material from them based on the fact that–being in a different region than LA or NYC the photos didn’t look the same and they had alot of subjects that the big guys didn’t bother covering.


  26. Sorry for the plug of my own company…I have to at least mention it:

    We are a very small ocean, water and life, stock photography company. We are in the process of building an all new website and hope to be launching it in the near future!

    Ryan Cardone

    #32–Jesse: I have stuff on photoshelter’s stock site and so far I am really liking what they are doing.

  27. Photographers groups maybe add Smugmug and Zenfolio – maybe Zoomr too (the new Flickr challenger).

  28. Hi everybody,

    here’s a great photo agency from Zurich, Switzerland.

    Really creative photos brought to you by a young and aspiring team. RF & RM. All that journalists, creative directors etc. need for delivering great work.

    Check their website!


  29. #15 – I’m pretty sure Lonely Planet Images was purchased some time ago by BBC – so no longer linked to Lonely Planet Publishing.

    #32 – I actually sent PE an email asking the same question – no response (fair enough!), but I too was surprised to see it in the first list. Still interested in knowing what the PE thinks.

  30. Have a look at


  31. Impressive resource I should say!

    Biased as it could be as I work for them: GraziaNeri Agency (

    but to balance I’ll give also the direct competitor in Italy : Contrasto ( that have great work too.

    and it’s really nice to have an insight of the work of the photo editor!

  32. […] Photo Editor has posted maybe one of the most useful lists anywhere, […]

  33. Thanks Rob for putting us on the list….
    Ryan Cardone

  34. Good to see PhotoShelter Collection near the top of the list.. I’ve just started to move some images there and have been impressed with their service, they are very photographer friendly.

  35. @ 32. & 46.: I just used photoshelter for a stock pull and I put them in the same group as the big boys. I’ve heard they have a team of “real” photo editors working behind the scenes and I can certainly tell because the standards for the collection are high.

  36. I don’t use RF or images without captions so no need to drop their link here. My crap list is full. RF may be fine for some uses but it’s worthless in national editorial.

  37. has the best ethnically diverse lifestyle content out there…period. And its a co-op run by the best photographers in the biz. Gotta love that.

  38. Polaris Images is more than a news photo agency, they are heavy into features and long-term documentary stories.

  39. Re: Photoshelter, I am a photo editor at a nat’l monthly and I am all about using them. Using Getty feels like shopping at Wal-mart to me. (minus the cheap prices!)

  40. if you think getty is like walmart why is photoshelter hiring getty people? maybe photoshelter wants to be like walmart?

  41. Woah

  42. SuperStock and Photo Researchers do not belong on your “More General, Not So Good” lists. Both of those sources have come up with a lot of winners for me. Also “PhotoTakeUSA” belongs on a science/ medical list with Photo Researchers.

  43. #60 – Because Getty got to where it is – in part – by outstanding marketing and distribution, so Photoshelter hiring some of those people is the best thing it can do. Photoshelter will never be like Getty – period.

  44. You should work in educational publishing – now there’s where you get the impossible, “You must be Fing kidding me,” type of spec requests.

  45. Black Star

  46. Include information about how to submit, and you’ll be giving The Photographer’s Market a run for their money…

  47. We also use Rex Features consistently….

    • CAn anyone please help me find stock photo site that carry celebrity photos…and Im not talking about Getty or anyone of the well known ones…

      Thank you!

  48. […] to my office, crank Rage Against the Machine, glare at any intruders, grab my handy stock list (here) and find the horizontals and verticals of all the obscure sports in all the obscure places. […]

  49. You’re missing OnAsia, I can’t think of an agency with a more complete Asia archive and talented crew of members spanning the region. I’ve been reporting in Southeast Asia for a decade. My editors use OnAsia regularly.

  50. A second vote here for, this time from a member.
    Whole lotta Asia photos.
    They also happen to be good to work for as a photographer (my humble opinion), something I rarely hear from other agency photographers.

  51. #15 & #46: To clarify, BBC Worldwide bought a controlling stake in both Lonely Planet Publications and Lonely Planet Images (LPI) in October 2007. LP Publications is still LPI’s biggest customer.

  52. Every stock photo sold is a photographer uncommissioned. I can’t help thinking the whole stock industry is good for a few stock photographers in the short term but bad financially and creatively for the whole industry in the long term.

  53. […] I’ve received many e-mail requests about stock photography and which agencies to submit to and where to find them.  Well, Rob Haggart the former Director of Photography for Men’s Journal and Outside magazine, has created a very interesting list of stock agencies. This is from a photo buyers point of view, so far there are 90 comments, many adding additional agencies to the list. Here’s the link […]

  54. Hi Rob Haggart

    Re your stock photography list, unless l missed it in the list would you consider adding,

    Best regards, Andrew

  55. […] Are you interested in selling stock photos? A Photo Editor has a great list of stock photo agencies and PopPhoto has some tips for selling stock […]

  56. in the art category, another good one based in london and teamed up with ILN is the Mary Evans Picture Library

  57. Excellent information, thanks! For travel and wildlife stock, I recommend Paul Souders’ site,

  58. […] photo Editor har en lista över ett rejält gäng med byråer, långt ifrån alla tycker jag känns som stockbyråer, men han […]

  59. A good idea gone bad.

    A critical directory created by photo buyers is a good idea.
    A tunnel vision list dominated by biased shooters is useless.
    Shooters are almost never buyers.

  60. As a freelance photo editor for mostly fashion, lifestyle and beauty clients. One of my favorite stock agency is in new york. They have absolutely great photography and are simply professional. Btw, they are missing on the list of stock agencies here and I would put them right up on top of the list.

  61. Uh, Greenberg… this is my list. I’ve been using it for years.

    • @A Photo Editor,


      just wondering why AFP isn’t on your list? It’s been one of the big three worldwide news agencies – and White House pool member – since the mid-80s. While many of the images are now distributed by Getty within the US, that arrangement is North America only and much of the world knows the AFP brand name by itself.

      Of course I’m biased since I work for them, but have to say that any comprehensive list should include it for worldwide members.


  62. How does anyone manage to get a password for Rex Features? Any help would be greatly appreciated because they don’t seem to want to deal with a small company like mine.

  63. Glad this list is here. I just licensed an array of 1980s rock and roll gems for a compilation book I am editing. I found images at that I could not find at the bigger agencies and unlike some of the big agencies they were very easy to deal with.

  64. As a visual style editor for live action commercials this list has been an invaluable resource. I thought I knew most, but I was way off.


  65. What about Age Fotostock? Anyone like them – as a buyer or as a photographer?

  66. – An offshoot of Nature Photographers that was started by a bunch of the original shooters, writers and tech experts. Probably the best nature photography group out there.

  67. Hi Rob,

    I think you missed Imaginechina which has the best chinese service for media and editors in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Their main service is in Chinese, news and stock, they also have a smaller service in english for foreign editors.


    Jian Ru

  68. You listed Contact Press Images as Contact Press, just FYI we go by Contact or Contact Press Images… not Contact Press.

  69. “Noni wrote:

    What about Age Fotostock? Anyone like them – as a buyer or as a photographer?”

    I’m a photographer, and have been with Robert Harding in a previous life. Now I’m with Age, as well as having my own stock site and am looking for a stock library for my newer, more creative, abstract, moody stuff that doesn’t suit Age at all.

    My experience with Age is that they’re seriously slow to get new work assessed and uploaded. Maybe there’s activity going on that I as a photographer can’t see, but …

    So what about from a buyers point of view, anyone?


  70. Dear Rob,

    How about ading the German Stock Agency STOCK4B ( We work with the big heads in the industry (all listed on your site already) and have some great images for the European Market.

    Also in the USA is could for Celebrities.


  71. You can visit oru new photo stock from Spain

  72. germany’s best feature agency and the only one owned by the photograohers:

    also good is:

    because the database includes Agentur Focus, Cosmos, Frans Lanting, Magnum Photos, NatureSource, Ostkreuz, Science Photo Library, WorldPictureNews and Zeitenspiegel.

  73. No?

  74. I found PhotoEdit to be careless with handling my submission that was sent at my expense by FEDEX and signed for by them. They were very very rude and inconsiderate. I would not waste any time dealing with them.
    Photog with camera

  75. Great list – thank you!

    For the section “Region Specific – Other Countries” I can recommend:

    Spain: Fotostock Spain and Fotostock Mallorca – now under one roof of FOTOSTOCK.EUrope

    China: Fotoe

    Kind regards


  76. Australia? Any Australia based photo agencies out there? Thanks

    • @Bryan Kasm, Yes, check out OzImages. They’re based in Austrailia.

  77. as well. Cutcaster offers royalty free images, stock photos, stock footage and stock photography for advertising, publishing or web design.

  78. SnapVillage is an awesome site for contributor – check us out!

  79. Don’t know much about it but

    Looks like microstock. I found a rm image for my client and then they found a $15 image here that they were thrilled about.

  80. Thanks for taking the time to put this thorough stock photography website list together. Sometimes it’s painstakingly hard to find good stock photography from online photo agencies and you have made my life easier by publishing this list of online sellers of stock imagery.


    Clipart Guy ~ Discover the world of clipart.

  81. For the sake of completeness, I would add Fotolibra to the list. Small independently run out of UK. From my experience with them (over a year), they have more minuses than pluses. Especially for US based photographers as the conversion rate kills you for commissions (not to mention the lack of electronic transfers, so you also get hit with a fee from your bank).

  82. Under the boutique heading, perhaps check out: For buyers looking to do what they can for the environment, every image purchase donates trees to various ReLeaf funds through and is tracked online through the Picturesque Forest Project or Client Grove programs. We also support Photoshelter and use the Photoshelter engine behind this customized site.
    Thanks for sharing all the great sites. As a designer, it’s nice to see lots of alternatives, especially great people images which is not our focus.

  83. A directors personal collection gathered over 40 years.

  84. I’m a little late chiming in (going to blame it on the new baby… same thing I blame misplacing my keys on) but wanted to say that Redux does a lot of News Features and Travel.

  85. Hello,

    Ever heard of my website, maybe you could list me as a specialized stock website, I offer family snapshots and other retro images of the 20th century.

    greetz from a warm and moist Amsterdam
    Edwin Molenaar

  86. i thought Inmagine and Image Source were also big ones ?

  87. art & pix was established in December 2007 by Kai Nitsche and Annika Witte as a worldwide online marketplace for Royalty-Free stock images, allowing individuals and professionals to legally buy, share and sell stock images and illustrations.

  88. Where is Galen Rowell’s Mountain Light agency? Also, PhotoEdit is up there with The Image Works in terms of agencies that target the textbook market.

  89. Hi,

    again, a great list … thanks !

    I just was searching the www (in other words: google) looking for some additional stock agencies to host my images …

    I did contact some of the ‘Boutique Style’ (I like this term very much *smile) agencies and Gallery Stock did reply immediately …
    Now I’m with ’em …

    I just like to show that the list does work for ‘real life’ situations as well and your effort in establishing it did pay off … at least for me :-)))

    btw, to give something back … I guess is worth a look (‘more general’ section) … it’s similar to AcclaimImages

    best, Reini

  90. Hi There, I noticed you dont have on there.

    Its a boutique Australian syndication agency with some amazing image collections – specialising in images of women for professional buyers.

    You should check it out!

    Best, SM.

  91. As I’m sure you’re already aware, or will likely be swamped with updates for — you can take Photoshelter Collection off your list now. They have locked incoming submissions and will completely close shop in mid-Oct.

  92. Hi,

    Two sources that probably deserve a mention here are – who have a large historical archive, plus lots of contemporary stock like UK Royal Rota pics, plus feeds from several other large agencies and cheap prices.

    Another is – which is an Asia only archive offering high quality stock photos both RM and RF.

    You can find a lot of my pictures from Nepal and more on both web sites.

    There is also my personal archive Lightroom Photos – – which has several thousand stock images and a large collection of space, science, reportage and Antartica stock photos.

  93. Mmmmmmmmm, Stock Photo Agency List…

    We like lists. There’s something we find immensely satisfying about them. We like stock photo agency lists in particular. This one, old as it is, not only has a beginning, a middle and an end, it’s also categorised and ends with the delightfully name…

  94. Hello all,

    Yes we are on “the list”, Thanks Rob!!!! I wanted to let everyone know we have just redesigned our website. We are stoked on the new site and think buyers will be too. We are a small niche company dedicated to ocean, water, life, and surf stock photography. Our new site is still in Beta but come check us out and let us know what you think.


    Ryan Cardone

  95. Also, I find that since its difficult to find ethnically diverse images there is http:/ for general stock of people of ethnicity.

  96. We have a fascinating range of color Hawaii Stock dating from historic 1909-1928 Autochromes, through WWII-era and 1950s Kodachromes, —including VJ Day—to thousands of present day images shot for our photo guidebook series.

  97. Thanks for the list.

    We should include (Scandinavian’s biggest picture distributor) at and specialist picture libraries like Biofoto:, now under the umbrella of Scanpix, see

    And let me add, that AgeFotostock at should be moved to the top category of ‘General Stock Photo Agencies’ if you are not too embedded in an US perspective.
    Soren Breiting, Stock Photo News

  98. What about Danita Delimont…anybody have any experience with them buying or selling? or Firstlight?

  99. I like Pix International at
    they cover entertainment and I can get images there that Getty or Corbis don’t have. Getty and Corbis have huge huge gaps in the collections .I personally enjoy working with the smaller boutique agencies.

  100. Trigger Image is a new library concentrating on individually selected creative imagery for clients in advertising, design and publishing. All our imagery is available online and we’re always looking for new contributors and new clients.


  101. BEWARE of PHOTOLIBRARY.COM group of Australia

    They do not pay photographers or pass on the bucks they have earnt, so-called repesenting photographers!

    They buy companies in debt and hide the debt… done it in several companies I have heard around the globe

    There is an investigation by the SAA into them and they have been shown to be cheats and liars… still owing 2 million bucks and not yet paying out.

    They own a group of so-called specialists

    eg –
    Index Stock Usa
    OSF – oxford scientific
    Garden Picture Library London

    • @John Michaels,

      Your comments about Photolibrary are complete nonsense, they have been refuted publicly here.

      I think the biggest mistake you are making is to conflate the payment issues that resulted from the acquisition of IndexStock with the prior and ongoing business of Photolibrary.

      I am not sure if you have a personal axe to grind, or if you just enjoy posting unsubstantiated rumors? Apparently you would have preferred for IndexStock to go bankrupt and photographers to have received nothing – instead it found a buyer and photographers have now received millions of dollars that were owed to them. And yes, that process is still ongoing.

      Read more at the link above and then consider how smearing Photlibrary, one of the few remaining indepent mid-size agencies, potentially could hurt the income of all the artists whom we represent. Brilliant!

      By the way, FoodPix is not a Photolibrary collection. It’s owned by Jupiter Images, and apparently soon by Getty Images. You are probably thinking of Fresh Food Images, formerly the Anthony Blake Picture Library, based out of the UK.

      And IndexStock is not a specialist collection. It’s a general stock collection.

      However, Oxford Scientific (OSF) is most certainly a specialist collection, not “so-called”. The specialty is natural science. Fresh Food Images and Garden Picture Library are also specialist collections, as should be obvious enough from the brand names.


  102. Putting all micros into the same ‘crap’ category is kinda amusing, but misses the point. In the past three years, more than a third of my income came from places like shutterstock, dreamsimages, etc. Yeah, these are aimed at a particular clientele, but there is income to be made here (and a nice one, too).

    • @Elena V,
      Yes but you miss the point. This list was created for magazine photo editors not photographers.

  103. Does anyone know of any good photographers or stock sites for interiors? Specifically “zen” interiors with that are modern and clean-looking?

  104. Our celebrity stock photo agency has over 600,000 images and we shoot multiple events every night. We have low price packages for blogs and websites as well as being published in major magazines weekly. Please add to your list.

    • @ all fotogs, this celebrity agency gives to fotographers microstock price for webuses of celebrity pics with subscriptions like microstock sites have. you make 50 cents or dollr for foto of pupular celbrity

  105. I have a growing stock collection with travel and cultural photos. Most of the images are from the Philippines, but they also come from a a variety of places. The collection is growing.

  106. I have a burning question I can’t seem to find the answer to, if anyone can help I’d be much appreciative. I write a fashion blog, and I’d like to know how and where I can buy runway fashion images and celebrity red carpet looks to post on my blog, but at low prices because I can’t afford Getty images :)
    Thank you!

    • @Tanya, Try Pr photos: They have celeb pics discounted for blogs.

  107. I think we can say that we have a very deep library of travel and wildlife stock photography for countries like Alaska, Canada, USA, Spain, Italy, France and New Zealand (we have more countries).
    Please consider!

  108. Please add
    We search the files of our editorial photographers giving you access to the most contemporary collection of stock editorial portraits of people in business, arts, sports, education, science, technology and more.

  109. OK, we are under the radar for now but I hope you all will know who we are in the next couple of years. We are Pacific Crest Stock. We’re just about to launch this week. It may be suicidal but we intend to stay relatively small and be rights managed and be highly selective about what we offer. We want to continue shooting landscapes which are our strengths into the near future. Our hope is that photo editors and buyers will bookmark our site for the times they want high quality landscape/scenic images and they don’t have the time to wade through the layers of mediocre landscape images available at the enormous agencies. Please give us a look.

  110. Is there any good high end video footage website out there?

  111. Going to have to update that general category in about a week.

  112. You forgot the food stock agencies. Where is the best food stock?

  113. You forgot food stock.
    What are the best food stock agencies?

  114. Just discovered this list and simply wanted to thank the author, it’s a very useful resource. Thanks a lot!

  115. I would add
    A photo agency that privilegies the photographer’s vision, yet generalist. Rich and very beautiful collection, with an interesting editorial choice.

  116. Could somebody write me the name of the agency that sells photos od celebrities homes?


  117. Could somebody write me the name of photo agency that sells photos of celebrities homes and other interiors design photos?


  118. Great list. Its interesting how some of the companies have been swallowed up by others in the list BUT inspiring that there are so many “independant” outfits still out there.

  119., the best place to get fantastic images for a good price! Crap, that’s alittle short minded.

  120. Pixelboss High Quality Photography based in Munich, Germany was established in February 2009 as a worldwide online marketplace for Royalty-Free stock images, allowing individuals and professionals to legally buy stock images.

    Pixelboss, Stock Photography, Annika Witte, Annika, Witte, Photography, Stock, Pictures, Munich, High Quality, Royalty Free,
    Royalty Free Images, Images, Image Download, Picture Download, Download, Buy Images, Buy Pictures, Photo Search

  121. I’m curious – now that the PhotoShelter Collection no longer exists, doesn’t its group of “Personal Archives” deserve a listing under “Photographers Groups”? Work of the entire collection of photographers is available via a global search.

  122. Another agency well worth a look is Image Source.

    They specialize in high-end beauty, lifestyle and business images. Most people can find Image Source stuff on Getty but if you go directly to their site ( you can get a year long 20% off with this code at checkout… IS20ST8759.

  123. noticed that PhotoShelter has been very pro-active lately and very pro-SEO (search engine optimization)….

  124. Hi, I suggest, it’s a new and small agency, nice design and good management, all entertainment images, music, cinema & theatre, sports, celebs, and more. For Barcelona, Spain.

  125. I think i need to recommend one China agency–ChinaFotoPress

    They have an English website:

    They have some nice stuff.

  126. Just to correct an entry on your list, 4Corners Images is actually based in London, not Italy.

    For contemporary travel reportage you might want to add

  127. For celebrity images you can add:
    Globe Photos

  128. How do I get a share of the assignment photography work in North America?

    Do I have to specialize in something?

  129. Great resource page for photographers. Good reference for photography images too – fellow Singaporean Photographer

  130. agence vu?
    noor ?

  131. Perhaps you would consider adding Accent Alaska to your boutique list? We rep a lot of world class photographers and are very professional.

    Than you for your time,

    Best Regards,

    Ken Graham

  132. I didn’t see a category for food photography, which is my area of expertise. I have been offered a contract from Stock Food, but was troubled not to have seen them listed here. Do you have any recommendations for stock photo companies representing food?

  133. you forgot

  134. has anyone heard of absolute photo?
    they accepted me but I have no way of knowing if they accept everyone. they are not on this list .

  135. is great for travel images.

  136. I offer free stock photos of nature, travel, and animals at Paul Bates Photography

    It’s updated constantly with the full resolution images.

    • מרום מינוף הלוואה הנותנת הלוואה לעסקים ועוד

  137. Hi,

    The Museum of the City of NY has an unbelievable photography collection. Our holdings include the works of such notable photographers Berenice Abbott, Jacob Riis, and Jessie Tarbox Beals. As well as the photographic archives of Gottscho-Schleisner firm, LOOK Magazine, Irving Underhill, Charles Von Urban, and the Wurts Brothers, as well as photographic work commissioned by the renowned architectural firm of McKim, Mead and White.

    I hope you add us to your list of Museums and Collections. I think it’s a very worthy addition.


    Rights & Reproductions Specialist

  138. Hello ,

    Could you add Trevillion Images to your boutique stock library list ?.
    We have been established for 12 years and are recognised as a leader in the ‘art’ image library world.

    Many thanks and if you need any more info just ask.

    Regards , Michael.

  139. Hi

    Great site.

    You forgot AMA Sports Photo Agency. Pioneered by renowned football photographer Matthew Ashton in England, AMA has quickly grown into an innovative competitor in the sports stock industry.

    From features on the lesser attended games in places like Wales, Japan etc, AMA also heavily cover UEFA Champions League and FIFA World Cup games.

    After only just one pre-World Cup shoot in South Africa, interest in the material gathered has been immense.!

    Good luck

  140. Hi!

    Recently, I have open a new website If it is posible, I’d to appear in your web in the “Movie Archive” categorie with this link:

    Archivo Fotografico

    If you want, I can add your link in my website too.

    Thank you very much.

  141. G’day from Sunny Sydney,

    I just stumbled upon your site which looks great by the way. I manage a group on Linkedin that you should be able to link to here:

    …for Photo Editors, Art Buyers and Creative Directors.

    We also run a successful image syndication agency specialising in images of women for professional buyers. Site is currently going through a major overhaul (front and back end) and will be live in a couple of months once all images are re-keyworded and sent into the cloud… however you should be able to get the gist

    Also – it’d be great to be added to your boutique list above :-)

    Our regular clients include GQ Magazine, FHM, Maxim, Men’s Heatlh, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Look, Pantene, Veet, Galliano, Marie Claire, Grazia, Shop, Bella, Cosmetic Beauty, Gilette, Max, Zoo, Look, Essential, OK, Black+White and around 2800 other photo buyers around the world.

    Looking forward to learning more about what you do!


  142. Just found this list when looking for agencies in my travels. Very helpful and through resource. Hopefully it’ll lean me to some folks interested in my work.

  143. Hi,

    “Arctic Stock Images” is missing from your agency list.

    I hope you will consider adding our site to your list…

    Arctic Stock Images is a royalty free stock photography archive aiming to provide customers with affordable stock images and footage. We have a vast archive of high quality images from the arctic region covering all kinds of topics.

    Kind regards,
    Anders Peter Amsnæs

    Arctic Stock Images

  144. Pixmac keeps growing!

    We offer Fotolia, Dreamstime, Pixmac, Celebrity and that’s just the 7+mil microstock.

    Try the new Luxury collection of traditional stock photos from Image Source.

    All this one ONE easy site!
    No registration required! Purchase an image in less than 3 minutes!

    Try it!

    Att: Designers and Bloggers! The first 25 to sign up as Pixmac users and email me your user name will receive Free Image credits!
    Check it out!

    Email your Pixmac user name to

  145. Blend Images is an agency devoted to celebrating Ethnic diversity in Business and Lifestyle imagery. They were founded by twenty-three top stock photographers and are growing like crazy. They offer both RF and RM images. Not to be missed! I think they are large enough to go under the general category.


    John Lund

  146. Hi:
    an excellent source of photographs from the past are available at the website of American Geographical Society Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries.
    thank you

  147. L’Œil public closing down in January.Grazie Neri has shut up shop ,the list gets shorter.

    Merry Christmas!

  148. I started a new stock photo site, it may not be up there with the big guys yet, but it is slowly growing.

    I don’t know what category to put it under, but hopefully not the Crap category!

    What sets us apart from the others: Low prices, only $1 for an original size image. High Payout: Photographers earn 90% commission for the images they sell.

  149. lol @ a ‘crap’ section. This was really helpful.

  150. Hi,

    For Region Specific – Other Countries, I recommend PhotoAsia They specialize in Malaysian stock photography, both editorial and commercial.


  151. is a new microstock photos website focusing on Judaism and the Holy Land (images of the Jewish culture and religion as well as pictures of Israel).

  152. New site called Pastscape. Fairly limited range but some nice looking shots, mostly of historic stuff.

  153. Very focused specialty stock photo agency specializing in Latin America and Hispanic cultures and locations. This agency has everything Hispanic and is just now (2010) started posting its collection online. Images are being posted at several hundred a week.

  154. Speriamo presto ci sia una vera ripresa dell’economia..solo così potremmo avere tutti un po di soldini per le cose che più ci piacciono..

  155. Ciao! ma voi conoscete seriamente un sistema per guadagnare online? Grazie

  156. You have missed Fine-Art-Images ( one of the largest online art libraries. Therу are a lot of Russian and world art masterpieces.

  157. Luz Photo Agency, is the heir of Grazia Neri since the Italian agency has closed its doors.

    This is something good you are missing.

    Otherwise, thank you for the very interesting list and category analisys


    • @מרום מינוף, this should be deleted. It is spam from an Israeli Loan company. Google translate that link from this company to see the result.

  158. How about Stock XCHNG?
    Pretty dope [free] stock photo site, with alot of high res photos:

  159. Dear Sir

    Would you be so kind to add my raw and custom image street art stock site to your list please. It is a new site/idea and l need all the help l can get.

    Best regards,


  160. לימודי ביטוח להיות סוכני ביטוח על ידי קורס ביטוח

  161. Grazia Neri doesn’t exist any more (I was represented by).
    The survivors created in italy. VERY good.

    i heard some swiss guys are going to surprise us also with PHOVEA.COM!

    thanks for the list. and for keeping it updated :)



  162. Check out for photos of flowers, food, produce and kids.

  163. This is really very amazing & its really very beneficial website bcoz i have never found like this type of website where u will found all High res photos stock collection and agencies. i appreciate to the team work they are going to well development.


    Farrukh Shahzad

  164. Media Bakery is a great Stock photography website. They carry lots of royalty free stock photos as well as rights managed and micro stock.

    We are a professional company which supplies the excellent CA series,
    including hats, sunglasses, bikinis, watch,t-shirts, belts and jeans.
    Top quality , Low price, Excellent service
    2)Wholesale price—accept Credit card ,PAYPAL, western union
    3)Free shipping safe & fast, , and just only need 5-7business days
    to deliver.
    4)Trustworthy business, small or large order are welcome
    Please contact us for more details, we will do our best for you then.

  166. Hello, I have recently uncovered hundreds of pictures from my great-grandfathers many trips to Africa from 1900-1905, which would be the best way to sell/share these pictures?

  167. this is our little photolibrary that’s been going for 4 years now…
    I am the sole shooter and Richeille Formento, is the art director.
    we travel the world shooting commercial jobs, fine art and royalty free and rights managed imagery.
    been fun so far!
    our latest book:
    You have a great site here, thanks for all the information!

  168. I think Blend Images should be added to the boutique section

  169. would be nice, to be on the list. Thank you.

  170. Metro Manila remains a popular choice with international buyers and institutional investors.

  171. Hi there,

    we are a german based stock agency for RF and RM images.

    Could you add to the list of general stock agencies.

    Thanks, Thomas

  172. Hi,

    jump is cool website for Helth, wellnesss, beauty and people.

    Thanks for your list, it is a great help!!!!!


  173. Hi there,

    I run a niche photo agency called TrellisCreative ( that offers professional images of food, wine and luxury lifestyle pictures from Napa Valley wine country and beyond.

    I’d love to be listed on your website. Please let me know what information you may need.


    p.s. – I dig your blog. Great resource for all.

  174. Nice to be visiting your blog again, it might be months for me. Properly this post that i’ve been waited for so very long. I need this post in order to complete my project in the college, and it has very same topic with your post. Many thanks, great write about.

  175. Hello,

    We are self sustaining Image Processing Service Provider ,catering end-to-end customized solutions by
    Keywording and Captioning stock photos for creative and editorials photographers.
    Cropping, Cleaning, Retouching and Color correction, Image Restoration .
    Digitization of images,
    Clipping Path, raw to jpeg Conversion etc…..

    We are committed to catalyze the competence and competitiveness of photography clients,serving them to sell their images by utilizing best keywording and captioning measures,tools and methods, increasing the image rank with the optimized metadata/keywords eventually resulting in increasing the competency of photographs with other competitors.

    Please visit at

    We look forward to a Long term Business Association .

    Warm regards

  176. Should be included in Boutique agencies featuring Travel images.

  177. I saw this essage today and this is something i was looking for for long time. I wonder if there is a way to approach such agencies, beside the biggest ones like Corbis, Getty etc., which have spplication form in their website.
    Should I send a link to my photoshelter site? a gallery with samples? other ideas?
    Tnx in advanced

  178. Great site, thanks for sharing it!

  179. Hi!

    We would like to introduce you to our new website – and request a listing on your directory. is an independent creative photographic agency specialising in images of Ireland.

    It falls under the categories of Stock Photography, Travel Photography, Landscape Photography, Images/Photos of Ireland and Photojournalism.

    You can visit us at

    We are based in Dublin, Ireland.

    We thank you for your time and hope that you enjoy our site and our photos.

  180. Great list, far more entries than I expected.

  181. For high quality travel stock I would highly recommend or my own site


  182. I am beta testing for a new stock photo search site ( It’s cool because I can search about 300 stock photo agencies in one click – I can also create my own sets of agencies etc…. This approach to pro images search definitely save a lot of time and expand my limit as a designer. I think they are still looking for beta testers in the U.S. If some of you are interested let me know I’ll put you in touch with their rep.

  183. Might want to check out ddbstock at website above. The site specializes in coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean. the agency, under its former moniker, D. Donne Bryant Stock Photography, LLC has been around for over 30 years and is heavily used by the travel and textbook publishers. With over 100 contributing professional photographers, many living in Latin America and the Caribbean, and large collections of images from 12 Latin American stock photo agencies, the files are remain current and the images are excellent. The files cover the gamut of subjects from Archaeology through Zoology. The collection runs to 500,000 transparencies, 50,000 black-and-white prints and 50,000 digitized/digital high res images (60 meg tiffs) available via very fast http download and editable on-site through a flexible lightbox application that makes it possible to search, select, edit, save, and email a link to the saved selection in minutes. There’s no limit to the number of lightboxes a user may create and save on the system. There’s good, soon to be excellent coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean from space along with a large selection of historic maps and historic depictions of Cortez conquest of the Aztez empire, the liberation of South America from Spain by Simon Bolivar, detailed coverage of the US-Mexico war of 1846-1848, and detailed coverage of various wars of independence and civil wars from the Mexican revolution to the Sandinista conquest of Nicaragua and Sub-Comandante Marcos recent armed uprising in southern Chiapas.

  184. CSA Images has a ton of cool unique and fun stuff. Both illustration and photography. Love the Mysterio collection.

  185. Hi Rob!

    I hope this day finds you well. Great to see you are out there mixing things up! Any chance we could add Alaska Stock Images to the list of agencies? We could go under Boutique and/or Wildlife/Nature/Scenic.

    What phone # are you at these days?

    All the best,

  186. I love your Crap list! LOL

  187. I generally counsel designers to avoid the stock photo agency websites as much as possible. This is for various reasons, but mainly because finding a photo/image in these libraries has become like finding a needle in a haystack. Show me a library of 12 million images, and I will show you a library with 11 million bad images. There is a lot of “keyword stuffing” there too, which makes search results rather frightening.

    The biggest reason to avoid the agencies is the various license restrictions which govern each image. What you see is often not what you get.

    Most independent photographer sites these days offer images at prices below the agency, have much more manageable libraries to search, and have straight forward licensing. That way you don’t get hit with an extra license charge if your print run goes larger than expected. And if you have a question about an image, you can actually talk to the photographer who took the image.

  188. Not sure if this selection is becoming limited to stock photography, but the website included is filled with beautiful landscape and cityscape shots. I stumbled upon on this after the photographer was highly regarded on Flickr, for what it’s worth ; )

  189. Respected Person,
    I would like to introduce our image processing services.To provide efficient servicing to customers with specific purposes,fixes the defects in your pictures major or minor. We offer the highest quality custom photo editing services . Trust your most important pictures to us.
    We do the edits and send the completed image back to you through the Internet. All image files are returned in approximately the same size and resolution you gave us. Our competence in providing processing solutions for digital images (Clipping Path, image masking, re-touching, cleaning, sharpening & restoration) emanates from our experience. Services are available for all digital files, including high resolution scans made from non-digital negatives or prints. We are waiting for your response. If you have any question you can do.
    Kind Regards
    Jagtar Singh
    Skype : jagtardhillon1

  190. Hi there! Just thought I’d recommend this site for your list. It has a really good selection of photo images. They specialize in the photography of beautiful women.


  191. Here’s one more to add to the list:

    Arena Creative Stock Imagery

    A collection of about 7000+ unique royalty free stock art photos and vector graphics.

  192. Good list. Not sure if mauritius images should be under other countries as they are not about Mauritius, but are based in Germany – but a great agency none the less. Our site could be considered for that section – I don’t see anything else in your list from Africa.

  193. Please have a look at our website

    We specialize in high-end fashion and beauty photography. Would be great if you could mention us.

    Kind regards,

  194. You might want to add to your stock agencies list You can search more than 400 agencies instantly including all the majors.
    I think it’s going to be the new way to search for stock photos.

  195. Hi! Could anyone recommend a good resource to look for images on detroit music history? 70-90th. clubs, personalities etc. Thanks!

  196. Hi there,
    Would you mind adding out Image Licensing site based in London. We are FACTORY311™


  197. Hi there Interested in any web designs,logo designs , graphic designs and even any print work? This will improve the over all look of your website and give it the wow factor that you need! Print work? What i mean by print work ? well print work involves making of flyers,company cards even tshirts and many more ! Get a great deal now! If you could get back to me either through mail (either or ) you can also reach us through telephone .. (0191 645 1450) Many thanks Jordan

  198. hmmm, too much choice!
    Maybe you can split the list into one that photo editors like and one that photographers like to submit to. Or just one with companies bought by Getty and one with the rest :)

    So far I license my images directly through but will investigate your list to explore better ways.
    Cheers, Harry

  199. Search my entire archive of America Stock Photos. Choose from thousands of images of cityscapes, landscapes, coastlines, historical sites, parks, lifestyle, people, travel, food, drink, sports and more.

  200. Hi, I have an online library specialising in Australia (around 10,000 images) and New Zealand (around 20,000 images).

    Could you please add us to your list.

    Thanks, David

  201. Rob:
    My offering is an alternative to photography but none-the-less I sometimes get requests for my cartoons for use in books and other print materials. It’s great to be linked in with so many cool picture sites and keep up your excellent work….everyone.


    Dan Rosandich
    Cartoons For Books and more

  202. I’ve hunted with most of your “top billing” general sites doing archive research for commercials. I appreciate this list immensely as you’ve expanded my already unwieldy stock library bookmarks folder a couple notches. Maybe I can return the favor. A few sites I’ve used when sourcing hard to find shots from multiple large libraries. (royalty free engine pooling getty, jupiter and 85 others)

  203. We are a boutique stock company specialising in MOVIE ARCHIVE subects stills and posters. Please list us

  204. There is also Picade, a photographer owned and run general stock agency with a bent towards travel, that provides great service to buyers while protecting our photographers rights and interests.

    We’d love to see it on the list.


    A large group of freelance photographers, mostly based in France. News / Features / Portrait… , a lot of variety. You can download Hi-Res pics (if you are logged) just like any agency website. Just have a look!

  206. Anarki is a cooperative photo agency specializing in an ethnographic approach to editorial photography.

  207. Why do you consider micro stock as crap? I get most of my images for website design form these site…

  208. Here’s one you should add:

    Demotix is for independent photojournalists around the world and often publishes things that are missed/blocked by mainstream media sources.

    Cheers, Jeanette

  209. The Travel and Region Specific sites are great! Maybe a “Religious” based category could be added. If so, would you please consider
    Projector Ready Photographs and Looping Motion Backgrounds for PowerPoint & Worship Software.

  210. Thank you for this wonderful collection.
    Highly Recommended.

  211. I really liked the ‘Boutique’ Category.

    Thanks for sharing

  212. Hey there,
    Thanks for the list!
    I’d also like to recommend the SXC / Stockxpert founders’ new stock photo agency:
    See ya,

  213. My girlfriend is a really talented food photographer and was thinking of submitting some of her stock images to an agency for a little extra cash flow, why not? She has been offered a 3 year contract by Stock Food. She is very happy about it. I’m a little skeptical because they won’t even give a hint as to what she may earn. $100 a month or $5000 a month? Do you have any idea what a good photographer earns on that site? Is there a better way to go or should she just blindly sign on and see what happens? Thanks, Cory

  214. Please remove website link… thank you

  215. Thank you for this awesome connection.

    May I also recommend a brand new agency for royalty free stock photography, illustration and art:

    Thank you,

  216. Hello, one more agency for your list in the sections of wildlife and nature, although it’s mostly pets…
    Thank you

  217. Hello All,
    I would like to thank the person who put this page together. I shall try some different leads from this.
    If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. I am a photographer with the best part of 20 years experience. I am based 30 miles North of London, UK
    I had a business but it was not doing so well and I had no choice but to close it. I am now inbetween work and looking for a career with my true passion which is news photography. I am with 2 agencies in UK ( one of which has over 1400 images)but sadly I am not making much of a living from them. I end up with a large short fall for any work I cover. This is always off my own back and without any leads from anywhere etc…
    All I am after is a chance to prove myself either through Shifts and Commissions or on the books of a firm.
    Please have a look at my Facebook page – Simon Webster Photographic and click on all photos. I have nearly 2000 on there some recent news of civil unrest etc. I am building a web site at the moment but this will take time as I have to learn about the web itself. I have a very good portfolio for news and as mentioned I just want a chance. I am very loyal to anyone or any firm that has the faith in me and I feel that once my work is viewed, then you may ask yourselves why nobody follows up on my enquiries.
    Thank you for your time in reading my words,
    Simon Webster.

  218. Big fan of your blog. Found this great resource through another site.

    Please add this website. Thanks!

  219. Has anyone had any experience with a Toronto company called Picture Stock? I can’t help but notice they are not listed anywhere above. My experience with them was unsatisfactory.

  220. i find ridiculous considering you have them listed in your CRAP section but the most commonly known names i ve heard in this industry are shutterstock ,fotalia and istockphoto.!!! i’d love to know on what basis you make the assumption that they are crap .it is obviously not the overwhelming number of people who contribute to therse sites ,but your own personal opinion.

  221. Did not see vintage agency on your list

  222. Hi, we started recently Demurez Cover Arts (, a new agency specialised on cover images to publishers. Just top-artists with top-quality, only RM, no cheap crap!. Please check yourself! all the best from Vienna- Ricardo

  223. … and hope we can do it in your ‘Boutique’ list :-)

  224. Hello, just discovered this listing and great that we are on but we are considered as a boutique agency and our correct name is AnzenbergerAgency. Webgate is only the (from the provider given) name of the archive.
    Have a good day! Best regards, Regina Maria Anzenberger

  225. We’re a fairly new agency working with a number of photographers- we have over 4 million images now and adding more every day.

  226. Here are some more Celebrity Stock sites:

    Pacific Coast News
    Ginsburg (GSI)
    Startraks Photo
    Bauer Griffin

  227. is the Stock photo agency, picture gallery, image library of Bangladesh. we have difference type of photography like bangladeshi pictures, images, photos, culture, travel, paintings and illustrations. Our digital archive has a lot of high quality copyrighted images that are run by a group of professional photographers.

  228. Thanks for the post. A great list of useful sources. We’ve just launched our new website for NZ stock photos by NZ photographers. ( We’re just starting out but would be really keen for any new contributors or customers.

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