If you want to receive an email with posts in them as they go up you can subscribe here or over on the sidebar.

UPDATE: Goes to a search page after you sign up but everything works. You will get a confirmation email to respond to.



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  1. Rob, this is a good idea.

    Even though you do have this signup form in the right-hand column, it’s a good idea to call attention to it. Quite often, website visitors zone out on everything that is off to the sides. They’re just looking for the new content in the center column, TYVM.

    [ Memo to self: Do a similar post on your blog, Martha. ]

  2. Is this happening to everyone ?

    When I go to submit my email address , it takes me to a search results page with no returns..


  3. #2, yea, the same thing is happening to me

  4. Any chance of getting an RSS feed for comments?

  5. 2, 3:

    It takes a bit, but you’ll get an email.

  6. Yeah, It works but I can’t get it to display the proper page when you register for some reason. It’s shows a search page instead.

    @ 4. Look in the sidebar under RSS links. Comments.

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