How ironic. Aghan-girl-on-the-cover-of-Nat-Geo photographer Steve McCurry and my-dslr-is-a-freaking-movie-camera photographer Vincent LaForet post help wanted ads 1 day apart.
Old schooler McCurry goes for the craigslist classified ad seeking an intern who is “highly motivated” with a “proven track record of excellence.” This intern must be proficient in “retouching in Photoshop” and will work 9am to 6pm, 5 days a week for 3 months unless Steve is out of the office in which case you will be working on the weekends too. The position is unpaid (apply here).
New schooler LaForet goes for the blog post (natch) where his legions of followers can quickly spread the word and apply for 3 (yes 3!) open slots on his team. Applicants must be “proficient in Premiere or Final Cut Pro” and “obsessed with gear” and have the ability to “grade footage.” All positions are paid (apply here) and part time (2-3 days a week).
I’m not sure who wants to be not getting paid to zap the dust off old negatives over getting paid to grade footage (whatever that means), but the coincidence of it all felt very telling to me.
Someone sent me their application for McCurry’s internship:
FYI, if you want learn more about hiring interns here’s some solid advice from the U.S. Department of Labor (here).