Mikkel Jul Hvilshøj

Who printed it?
The promo has been printed by Gelato Globe. It’s a Norwegian company that has printing facilities around the world, so wherever you are they choose the closest facility to save shipping costs, and effectively, the environment. And as they put it on their website: “We believe that “collaborative consumption” can be the positive consequence of a “sharing economy”. We believe in sharing fixed assets – in our case sharing of print machines. And in allowing excess capacity to be intelligently allocated.”

Who designed it?
I designed it myself. I find your instagram page very inspirational and I always look at how other photographers have designed their promos.

Who edited the images?
The product shots on black background I have edited myself, the other two are edited by Martin Bo Kristensen of TheImageFaculty.

How many did you make?
I printed 50 in Danish and 50 in English, and send them out to specifically chosen people.

How many times a year do you send out promos?

I try to send out twice a year. My first promo went out in November last year, and this one went out in May.

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