That seems to be the lesson to take from Mr. Metzker’s long career, and perhaps from Modernism as well. Instant gratification might not necessarily be a good thing, and we could all do with a bit more patience. “If people will give it the time, they’ll find things that speak to them,” said Ms. Tucker. “There is meat on these bones. It challenges and engages us. God knows it’s not the social media world. And that’s maybe its biggest handicap. It’s work that takes time.”

via, NY Times Lens Blog

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  1. A great article with a very good point to remember these days. I see it as partly related to the whole maker movement, too. And a much more enjoyable writing style than Jonathan’s–let’s just call it quirky–style here on APE.

  2. Great point Tim. In todays digital age of instant gratification, my thoughts keep reflecting back on Alvin Toffler’s book The Third Wave. When “ages” overlap and there is huge turmoil. I read an article yesterday to where amateur archeologists uncovered large burial mounds in England. A time when hunter gatherer societies were being replaced by the new agrarians. Farming becoming the norm, the hunter gatherers were becoming a lost and obsolete group. In todays age, we are making the transition from industrial to the information age. Te larger question is how many generations will it take before the dust settles and what will become the new normal. Despise it or embrace it, as it is said, “the only thing constant is change”.

    • To answer your question, it will be the generation which realizes they need to work, everything on the web isn’t free, nor will it ever become free unless people want to go bankrupt in business and life. Sorry if this sounds snarky.

      • So true Ed. And no it doesn’t sound snarky.

  3. First off congrats JB on the Times publishing your article. Well written and love the direction.

    I think there does have to be a slowdown in the approach to many things and recently wrote about how the media needs to change the pace of operations. The constant regurgitation of breaking news such as the Crash Landing at SFO is an example. Cable news networks often repeated the same lines every 10 to 15 minutes to try and keep viewers locked in to their network. How about updates every half hour unless there is something truly breaking new news.

    We would like to hear about other happenings around the world and how about some good news to balance out the doom and gloom.

    Screw it, the networks will change when we get a new planet so I just read APE instead.

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