“The thing that’s important to know is that you never know. You’re always sort of feeling your way.”

“I never have taken a picture I’ve intended. They’re always better or worse.”

“It’s important to take bad pictures. It’s the bad ones that have to do with what you’ve never done before. They can make you recognize something you hadn’t seen in a way that will make you recognize it when you see it again.”

— Diane Arbus

via 1000 Words Photography Magazine

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  1. Remember ‘Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey’?

  2. Such an amazing woman…

  3. I could only read a portion of the quotes in the article. How can you not be moved or learn from by the words that go along with her work.

    Follow the passion with Passion

  4. It’s so true. Thank you, you have such a great logic.

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