There are some customer-focused older companies out there, but they’re rare. The traditional mode of business for the past 100 years has been customer-hostile, and it’s really tough for a company to “turn the aircraft carrier around” to work in a different way. It will happen, though, and when it does, you’ll see: an older company “gets religion,” gradually becomes customer-centric, and then grows to dominate its competitors like never before in its history.

via Good Experience.

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  1. nearly every advice I read here concerning the relationship picture editor and photographer was to worry about the experience of the picture editor. not that I buy that just thought I mention it.

    • @doktor,

      Interesting observance. I’ve noticed some people really have need to brow beat themselves. Often finding fault with themselves. If they give 100% and do not fulfill their own expectations it is their fault. When the client says jump they say how high. There’s nothing wrong with putting forth effort, but balance is necessary. Healthy relationships are symbiotic.

  2. Customer service used to be considerably better back in the day. There are still a few companies that provide excellent CS – often older companies. But many teens n twenties may have no concept of what to expect in service from companies they do business with.

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