I have been in a creative slump these past couple of weeks so I have turned to my fellow artists and photographers for inspiration. The goal for me is to identify with an artist, not to compare myself. Telling myself this one phrase has always helped me look at someone’s work I love and feel motivated instead of jealous.

via Less Is More

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  1. Every Artist has to take a time from what ever they are doing ,.just to grow.Its the only way you can .our mind needs time to shut down and looking at other Artist stuff is a great way to get Ideas I love every ones work It could be the 1st pic some one took.Or someone who has a team doing every thing for you.I am blown away by some photographers I will never be like any one God made us all artist after all we are made from the best Artist .If you chose to think that way and if you don,t thats ok to.Where was I ,oh ya don,t worry about taken a break I have taken many in my Life and I just love to shoot and dieing poor I do not have a problem with.My kids might like to see me make it so still dream .The good news you can send 100 emails and you might get one back that can change every thing! Enjoy the ride thats where the fun is

  2. I can relate to this post and glad others experience the same. I actually am ending a 2 week dead-zone also. I did not so much look at other people’s work, but I realized I had been hiding inside far too long working on projects.
    I decided to walk around more, read more magazines, and see life around me.
    But like James W. mentioned, you need time to figure out your next move and I come into the new phase at a new level. I have no doubt you will have the same. It does not have to be the work of an “artist”. Daily life is a great enough canvas to inspire you.

  3. Right on!
    Jealousy of another persons work will get you nowhere. But being inspired, excited and challenged by it forces those creative neurons to get firing.

  4. Jealousy is great motivation and nothing inspires creativity more than the desire to crush the competition. More Art of War – Less Kumbaya

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