AP 1: I never look at mailers.
AP 2: I look at every single mailer.
AP 3: I got a bottle of tequila!

All joking aside, Heather Elder has an awesome podcast you should be checking out called “Dear Art Producer” where she’s asking the questions all professional photographers and reps want to hear the answer to. If you’ve been in this business long enough most of it is pretty reassuring stuff that we already know: some read every email, some look at every promo, some don’t. There is no magic bullet and you keep all channels open and active to reach them. There are a few surprises too like a mixed bag on use of instagram and that motion is not coming out of the broadcast department as much as in the past and they are looking for photographers who can do it all fast and loose (cheap).

Give it a listen and drop a comment if you find anything surprising. Looking forward to more of these.

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  1. It’s hard to continuously hear that we now have to do it all and that “just being a photographer” isn’t enough anymore. Oh and you’re not going to get paid much more than you’re already getting paid. Which continues to be less and less. I am thankful to Heather for access to these Art Producers and unveiling the current reality of the industry.

  2. I’m amazed at how people used to comment on this site, and now it seems pretty much no one does. It’s a shame.
    What’s happened Rob?

    • Comments are moderated now and usually take a day to a week to approve so it’s no longer fun if you want to debate or fight or expel your anger.

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