When you’re a boy in your mid-teens in the home counties of England in the early to mid eighties, things like this are the punch in the face you need if you don’t want your life to be something that begins at 5.30pm on a Friday every week.

In time, although my interests and tastes in photography have travelled across a lot of ocean, Bailey’s work and story have remained as the Greenwich meridian of my photographic core and even now, when I look at his work all these years after first finding it, I feel that I am back in my home port.

via Chris Floyd: Clean Living Under Difficult Circumstances.

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  1. Terrific read. Thank you for the link.

  2. “Try not to be the kind of man that lights up a room by leaving it”

    Thanks chris, i almost spat hot tea all over my laptop! great stuff man.

  3. “things like this are the punch in the face you need if you don’t want your life to be something that begins at 5.30pm on a Friday every week.”

    That describes my life before I moved from graphic design to photography. My life began at 5:00pm on Friday and promptly ended at 8am Monday. Now I actually enjoy what I do. (Although I still have clients that drive me insane sometimes.)

    This was a great article.

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