Good pictures speak for themselves. But text is a different story. It needs a lot of rhetoric skill and typographic care to do what it should: to communicate.

via iA

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  1. I don’t understand why publishers are deferring to device manufacturers to set the standards. If they had any sense, the big publishers would band together and determine the common formats they are going to support, publish the spec, then let the device manufacturers comply.

    You know there will be a flurry of pad computers announced over the next six months. Some of them will be successful — especially given the iPad doesn’t set the bar all that high. If each device requires the publisher to reformat content to suit the device it’s going to get ugly quickly. And if you throw in a few additional religious pissing wars (like Apple with HTML5) then you’ll just have chaos.

    It’s frustrating to see the publishers acting so submissive — as if device manufacturers are going to ride to their rescue. The device manufacturers just want to sell devices, end of story. The big publishers need to shape the marketplace. An iTunes-exclusive marketplace for electronic content is not going to be a win for publishers (or for journalism for that matter). You really have to wonder about these guys.

  2. IA got it right!

    A lot of digital content is passed over because it is just to damned hard to read. Take for example the Internet version of the L.A.Times, at the bottom of the page are several choices (2, 3, next, single page). Why not make it easy on the reader and make it a single page. When I get to the bottom of the page I hit the back button unless the article is VERY important to me. Life is to short to wait for pages to load.

    If a designer is into fancy fonts he should be designing “coffee table books”, not making hard to read internet/iPad articles. Make it easy for the reader and you will get a lot more readers. Make it hard for the reader and they will magically disappear . Simple as that.

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