I found this press tour video over on Michael Lavine’s blog and nothing sums up the demise of media better then seeing the 300 interviews (photos, video, radio and 1 ring flash too) Jason Reitman endured promoting his film, Up In The Air.

Here’s a pie chart with the top 10 interview questions:


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  1. This is an interesting little piece.

    Yes, sad that this is how most journalism is produced today, not just movie junket stuff, but pretty much everything… five minute shoots, stock, canned questions, ect.

    As video is constantly promoted as some sort of lifesaver for still photographers, isn’t it also interesting that a great filmmaker can take an iPhone and an idea and produce something that is better than 90% of the multimedia stuff that appears online today?

    Maybe I’m wrong. (Please, don’t point me to the same three multimedia pieces that everyone keeps heralding. I’ve seen them.) It just seems to me that journalism schools may not be teaching their students the right set of skills to produce great multimedia.

    Film school probably isn’t the answer either. You still need the journalism part… don’t you?

  2. Can you explain ‘demise of media’ a little more?

    While I understand the sheer redundancy of all the copy paste interview questions/answers, isn’t it also important to make contact with people everywhere? So that they can then make contact with the people that trust them? The information exchange matters less than the personal connection…

    Yes you could just post a blanket press release in one place, but there is something to be said for pounding the pavement and spending time with people who will in turn promote you. If anything, it is more of an argument for the increased localization of media, brought to you by someone you can trust.

    • I completely agree. It’d be great and really lazy if you could just post up one big ANSWER to all the questions, but the point of doing all those interviews and making all those appearances is to connect with people. Someone in Idaho is not going to be watching the same news channel or be reading the same article as a person in New York.

      I also see the increased localization of media and also more niche market media catering to very specific audiences.

  3. Looks like he’s personally guaranteeing the success of the film by the sheer number of tickets that he’s holding.
    Great piece though, thanks for sharing.

  4. “…demise of media” not all members of the media report on this softball mush. Please don’t let an entertainment story skew what the media really does. Yes there is a lot of fluff out there, but there is also important news and stories being reported.

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