We must resist academia as artists. We really must. When Matisse was near death a young man visited him and as he turned to leave Matisse said, “Remember one thing: guard your naiveté. Some day young man, that’s going to be all you’ve got. And now I’m packing my bags for the next world.”

–Robert Bergman

via The Brooklyn Rail.

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  1. I believe it was also Matisse (orwas it Magritte?) who said something like “Dress conservatively , but create wildly.”

  2. This advice from Matisse applies to all walks of life, be it formal education, the sciences, religion or attitudes to life; the less we assume and take things for granted and the more we cast our presuppositions aside and ask basic questions such as ‘why?’, the larger our experienced world would become.

    Formal education is mostly merely a repeating business, where people attend to learn how to repeat information from the previous generation; they are taught what to think and not much how to think.

    The masses of us are currently suffering from myriads of mind programming on a daily basis, be it how to be a consumer, what to believe and expect, where to be and on what time, how to behave, not to question the status quo, not to question supposed authority, to sit and walk when told to and to affectively go through life fully asleep.

    In every area of you life, from hour to hour, to everything that you encounter and are told, ask the very basic question of ‘why?’

    Here is a clip from a very good movie showing how minds are being programmed:

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