Joerg is running a free portfolio competition over on Conscientious aimed at discovering some emerging talent:

The winner of the competition will have her or his work featured here on this blog, in the form of an extended conversation/interview (which, of course, also showcases the photography). Details below.

First of all, the Conscientious Portfolio Competition (CPC) is free. It’s no pay-to-play scheme. There are no costs involved for you, other than whatever time it takes to send me your stuff.

Second, CPC is aimed at emerging photographers. Of course, the term “emerging” is not extremely well defined; what it means that photographers not represented by a gallery will get preferential treatment over those that already are (but of course, the quality of the work also plays an important role).

Read about it (Here)
It will be interesting to see what he turns up. Whenever I’ve done something similar in the past I’ve discovered excellent photographers I knew nothing about.

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  1. Rob, when you have done them in the past was the prize something along the lines of an interview?

    • No, once I did an hour consultation (along with a consultant) and once I set up a website with the pictures I liked and emailed it to several hundred art buyers and photo editors. I think an interview is a good prize since so many gallerists read his blog.

      • @A Photo Editor,
        Wow, if you ever did something like that again it would be amazing. The only problem I find with CPC, as well as most other portfolio contests, is that it is aimed at the fine art photographer. You don’t find contests calling for full portfolios of commercial photographers who often have great single images, not just large bodies of work.

  2. i’d be up for it if he got someone else in to do the interview.

  3. Ooh, what a prize!

    Attention – only portraitists who shoot series need apply.

  4. I’m so dissapointed that people are mocking this contest but consistently lining up for these cash cow contests put out almost monthly by PDN.

    Here is this smart guy who does his longstanding and very influential blog for free, holding a contest that is free to enter. His interviews are enlightening on a consistent basis.

    Would you all be happier if you got a blue ribbon for winning? A digital camera? What would make this good in your book?

    Clearly this contest is about discovering and enjoying new photography. Can that not be enough?

  5. Is the competition for fine arts photographers only? Is it just a story that we have to submit or the whole body of work?
    Thank You

  6. Tim, I wouldn’t worry too much about the hecklers. This is an excellent opportunity and I think there will be plenty of applicants to choose from. Also, this is incentive for me to finish my fucking website.

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