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  1. That’s a great article – I think because phtography (and video) has a large technical component it becomes easy to get caught up in the “gadget-ry” of it all, and forget about the art.

    We must always remember that the technology exists to serve the art, not the other way around :-)

  2. but the opposite isnt true either, its all just tools. the original argument by that article that progress isnt needed, because artistic people can do with less is as futile as saying we dont need spices for cooking because this or that super chef can do without them. its all just tools, and it always needs someone who understands them to make them shine.

  3. sorry but the 12 frames per second thing – especially the example he is giving -to me thats part of the technical gimmicy school. I think I understand what he’s trying to say but I think its a bad example to prove his point.

    And if I hear that “its all just tools” phrase one more time I’m going to ‹◊ÛØ⁄±¨@ø|^!?fi^*+!!!!

    • @doktor, but remember that going to ‹◊ÛØ⁄±¨@ø|^!?fi^*+ will be the most important decision in your life. ever!

  4. Like Lance Armstrong says: “It ain’t the bike”

  5. I understand where he is coming from… a similar lament to the loss of film and the move to digital on the photography side.

    There some very large negative affects with the world’s move to digital, none of which are related to technical capabilities or convenience… all of which are related to art, beauty in imperfection and the nature of the craft itself…

  6. It’s all a part of the evolutionary process and good artists will always use tools and techniques to improve their art rather than use it as a crutch. When photography evolved from 8×10 glass plates to higher speed film, it opened opportunities for higher shutter speeds which led to new photographic ventures, i.e. sports, war, etc… When we evolved from 4×5 Speed Graphics to 35mm, again, it allowed for deeper exploration into subject matter because the camera became an easier tool to use, putting more concentration on the subject matter.

    The bottom line is that good artists use tools to improve the ‘art’. Good art will always be good art and crap will always be crap. The crap will just be at a higher resolution.

  7. “The crap will just be at a higher resolution.”


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