Mark Porter creative director of The Guardian, has a blog on editorial design (here) with interesting commentary on the The Independent and redesigns. He claims in his bio that, “the 2005 redesign which I was responsible for is widely acknowledged as the most important newspaper design project of the last 20 years.” I was unaware.

Via, MagCulture.

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  1. geeeeez. nice bio….surprised he was able to take his dick out of his mouth long enough to right it. ha. cool blog though

  2. Yikes!

    hu·mil·i·ty –
    The defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person.

  3. right = write!

  4. Well, he might be lucking in humility, but from what I understand, he’s got a point.

    The Guardian’s redesign was dramatic and much needed. It’s becomes somewhat of a beacon in a spate of recent newspaper redesigns. I’m not a design person, but a quick Google search seems to give you lots of reasons. The Guardian also seem to really get the idea of using the Internet as a core part of their business, and Porter has (apparently) played a big part in that.

  5. Yep Jodi, you are right.
    Had a long interview also with Emily Campbell at the British Council who heads up their design department, and she explained all the elements that make the redesign so noteworthy. I, too, initially didn’t get it, but once she explained what factors went into the design and why they were important, I could see the point. It had to do with my uninformed concept of “design”.

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