A reader asks if it’s better to approach the Associate or Deputy Photo Editors for a book showing or for sending promos because the Director is usually too busy.

I’d say targeting the photo editors under the Director is an excellent plan of action.

I’ve always encouraged all the photo editors in the department to look at as many books as possible to develop their eye for photography so they can experience the process of discovering new talent and then hiring them for a shoot.

In many cases it was easier for me to drop in on a portfolio showing; to look at the book, grab a promo, shake the hand and get out. That’s how I saw a lot of books and photographers I normally wouldn’t have time for with all the stupid meetings I went to everyday.

Eventually, I would get lobbied by the other photo editors to hire photographers they discovered and liked and we always ended up pulling the trigger on a few to see how their discoveries worked out.

And, don’t forget the Creative Director in your promo mailings. Many times they came into my office with the promo of a photographer they were interested in—just don’t leave me out of the loop. I always like to already know who they’re talking about when they bring those in so I look like I know what the hell I’m doing “ah, yes Irving Penn and I go waaay back, I’ll IM him.”

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  1. What are your thoughts on email mailers vs. cards?

    I wrote a post on the topic here, saying that email is a great option for new photographers because of the prohibitively high cost of printing and mailing a workable volume of cards:

    So, what do you think? Should we send email to larger, less targeted audience (the shotgun approach) or send card mailers to a smaller, more select audience (the rifle approach)?

    Thanks, Rob. Your blog is worth its weight in gold, virtually speaking.

  2. If you can afford it you should do both. They help to reinforce each other. I’ve gotten calls about jobs b/c of both. And I’ve gotten replies to email promos where people mention the mail cards. I think the cards can help to act as an introduction so that when that email comes through it doesn’t automatically get tossed into the trash without being opened…unless of course he/she didn’t like the card.

    Also they help to cover holes in each. maybe you don’t have someone’s email address but you know there snail mail address. send ’em a card. or maybe your card got overlooked in the mail or didn’t make into their hands. send them an email.

    i love the email though b/c of the cost and the fact that you can see who opens and who clicks links and who doesn’t even look at it. and who gets bounced. you never know what’s happening with the direct mail cards.

  3. Agreed, both is best of course but you can target the mailers and shotgun the email to save a little money. I wouldn’t trust email only to reach many of the “old school” PE’s and AD’s plus there are days when I can’t go through my email and delete all the promos if I don’t recognize the name (the picture never shows up because IT blocks them). You at least have a shot at getting your picture seen before it hits the can with mailers.

  4. I think some people are into e-mail, some are into snail mail, and some are into both. I prefer mailers, because I like making the instant decision to keep or toss. From the card, I then look up the website and bookmark it if I like it. Then, that photographer is immediately on my potential list. With e-mail, the blocked images are frustrating and if I’m busy, I don’t have time to unblock the images and look at them. I will always see a mailer no matter what. The e-mails I like are the personalized messages, without blocked images, that tell me when a site has been updated, period. You can still send a bulk e-mail, without it looking like a bulk e-mail. Just write an e-mail and customize it for each publication you send it to. This will take more time than a bulk e-mail service, but it may help to get more assignments. My boss highly prefers e-mail promos over mailers, so it’s definitely a matter of personal preference.

  5. APE whats your thought of photoserve vs blackbook vs altpick. workbook is just to $$$ and I’m thinking just online no print ad


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