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  1. Ok, I agree with her, or at least I want to. But that didn’t come across as very convincing…or even as very convinced herself.

    • I actually think that’s just Annie’s style… (I’ve never seen her be ‘excitable’ or effusive; I think she tends to be more low-key and matter-of-fact.) What she said about how we want and remember the stills really rang true for me.

  2. With all the multitasking and attention deficit disorder these days, stills are certainly a quick fix. I even find myself being too inpatient sometimes with web videos. I know that’s not quite what she meant, but it’s part of it–stills take less time. And when they’re good, they do provide a little quiet refuge–which is something they’ve always done.

  3. Not a brilliant observation. But, yes, when everything is moving something “still” has power. Unfortunately, what was left unsaid is that no one want to pay much for it anymore.

  4. Very good point about our need for great still images. Her work has always inspired me and she clearly has a real passion for the art of photography.

  5. I think we need to elaborate on stills that are printed and stills that exist on a monitor. The latest trend that I’m particularly fond of is little or no camera movement and a short duration of subtle subject movement. These little sets of video utilize all of the characteristic that I find essential to a still’s impact and success like quality of light and fidelity. There are certainly esoteric aspects and appreciations to a printed piece but overall I’m struck by little blasts of compositions that give me another view but just very nuanced, especially with high speed capture, like the H&R Block commercials. Think Russian burp gun, short duration,intense concentrated delivery in a small area. My 2 ยข.

    • This is how I used to shoot in store displays. It is very effective.

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