If there is anything that is shocking to me about the subject at this point, it’s that the visual censorship of these wars has been so absolute that many today actually fail to understand why such scenes would even be important or relevant to see.

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  1. I’m surprised, no comets yet,.

    For people my age, the excellent coverage of Vietnam, changed the way many people felt about the war. It also changed the way American Politicians felt about Freedom-of-thePress. Embedding and censorship have changed war-reporting for the worse.

  2. As long as the media plays the role of the self-censor, the American people will stay what they have been (and many want to remain) for decades; ignorant and complicit in the perpetual war waged by the US. It is surprise that European, Latin American and Asian covers of Time magazine often have the same cover (a disfigured body in Syria for instance), while the US edition shows an illustration of a happy couple asking themselves “hmm, what’s the best college on US News and Report list in 2012”. This is the best I could make up right now, but the actual real examples of Time covers are even worse.

  3. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain boys and girls…..ugh!

  4. I have sat on this for over a week know and as I reread the article it came to me how much censorship exists. Having the carnage and destruction of the first Gulf War burned into the millions of cells creating the memory cluster for that period of my life; I know people couldn’t consume brutal and gruesome tragedy of each day. Even the death of David Bloom was hard for Americans to accept.

    Some photographers and journalists have bundled events witnessed into a palatable testimony of the bloodshed by all present. We still see repeats of documentaries depicting the genocide and other atrocities of world war two. It makes me wonder if people could handle the truth about Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

    • Even if there wasn’t censorship by the government or the media I don’t think people can handle the results of war.

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