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  1. Buy as much Apple stock as I could afford and then 100 more shares on top of that.

  2. enroll my ass in at least a few business classes.

  3. Hold hard and be grateful to the biggest mistakes: they could make you grow, more than you can imagine.

  4. There is always a job for talented people. Unless you are a photographer.

  5. I’d tell myself not to worry about making mistakes or trying new things because in 10 years they will have made a time machine that allows you to go back and fix them.

  6. You might want to embrace digital photography because it’s happening dispite your love for film.

  7. I would buy the domain name:

  8. Don’t move to Boston and…

    …start climbing mountains now ’cause when you do, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t before.

    [sigh] If only I woke up every morning thinking about photography…

    • Oh man, I just moved to Boston. Five days too late… on 10 year old advice.

      • Don’t worry man, it was all in the timing for me.

        Boston is a great town–have a blast!

  9. Enjoy life more and worry less about photography, “it’s just not that into you.”

    Buy less equipment, cameras, computers, all that shit, it’s a drain financially and mentally. Simplicity is still the best path. I have no desire to be a pack mule (that’s why I have assistants) but I don’t want all that stuff anymore.

    Travel more and take pictures less, experience the people and places and DO the things you can’t do later in life. Having a photo is great for when I have Alzheimer’s but there’s so much more to life.

    I find the act if being a photographer so self serving, somehow we think we can improve the world with a photo. The world has billions, maybe trillions of photos and all the problems out there haven’t been solved.

    Help others on a daily basis and worry less about capturing some moment.

    Live somewhere coastal and buy a boat, doesn’t have to be a big boat, something manageable, very soul satisfying.

  10. minor in photography. because the business degree may get you a day job but your weekends will be filled with beautiful photos that help you see more in the world than the paperwork in front of you.

    oh, and enroll in that darkroom class. then you won’t wonder how you’re going to learn the stuff now that people hardly shoot film anymore.

  11. “Hey. Forget that M.A you just got in neuropsychology. Drop everything and become a photographer. Admit it, it’s what you want to do anyway…”

  12. Listen to my heart and not what may seem logical, work in popular areas of photography i.e., fashion, commercial, advertising. Be bold and step out into the unknown otherwise how will you find out what is out there.

  13. Break up with that girl. She ain’t no good!

  14. Don’t take the newspaper staff job !

    • All this hard work I am enduring working with this semi pro, pro photographer will pay off one day. The things I have learned in school are nothing compared to this “hands on” experience. Having the opportunity to work with a handful of different clients in Advertising and print.

      Being paid almost the same amount as yesterday? Experience is still everything in my book!

  15. That opening quote was from your accountant right!

  16. I would do the same thing i did :)

  17. Listen to your heart and leave Chicago!

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