“There are no more discoveries to be made,” Elisabeth Biondi tells me on the opening night of the fourth annual New York Photo Festival.  “Anyone can take a picture now, so it’s forced documentary photographers to have a more personalized vision.”

via LightBox.Time.com

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  1. BINGO! Vision trumps again.Been saying this for years.
    Its a wonderful world when creatives are asked NO, when its demanded
    that they dig deep ,work hard and show up with the talent they have developed front and center. This is one of the wonderful aspects of a world where specialization rules.
    Your worked and reworked vision is your calling card.
    Pay attention here ,all photographers, not just documentary shooters.

  2. How about that sports fans, professional photographers work has to stand out from the crowd! What will they think of next..(smiling :)

  3. *jots down “be different and be yourself”

    …I’m so glad I still have that lime green leisure suit.

  4. Reality with a vision…Reflections behind the image. Elisabeth Biondi strikes a somber yet revealing chord. What happened in this place. What do the subjects have in mind. Lots to think about and photograph. As always, more to think about with a new image in hand.

  5. is not about taking a picture, is about ideas…

  6. I join you as a photo editor

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