It appears Annie is getting her money situation under control and has inked a very limited deal (here) to partner with Getty for what I can only assume are extremely lucrative assignments (is there any other reason to partner with Getty?). I have it on good authority that her representation and relationships at Art + Commerce and Contact Press Images remain unchanged. Thirty two years at Contact and over twenty five at A+C is not something you just sweep under the rug people.

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  1. Annie gets a lot of crap for being over rated or for being tough on her crew.
    It reminds me of music fans who might turn their back on the Beatles
    because of their fame. In my opinion she’s the best photographer out there regardless of anything else.
    I reluctantly signed with Getty as well and although I’ve only done a couple of assignments with them, the 40 / 60 split is hard to swallow.
    Was not aware of Annie’s mounting money problems as this seems to imply.
    Can you please elaborate?

  2. I heard differently.

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